
Menu Items of 3D Scope Window



Open: Allows you to open .sdef file that you created previously for particular telescope and camera setup.

Save: Save the parameters that you have set using the 3D Scope Editor so that you can retrieve it at a later date.

Save As: Save the parameters that you have set using the 3D Scope Editor so that you can retrieve it at a later date.

View: Two choices give you different view.

Perspective - Includes grid lines to give you a sense of your mount/scope in space.

Orthograpic - Does not include the grid lines.


Always on Top: Keeps the 3D viewer on top of your programs when you are carefully monitoring the scope position. Screenshot has not been updated to show this option.

Edit: Brings up the 3D Scope Editor

Reset Scope: Resets parameters.

Close: Closes 3D Scope View window.


Re-Sync 3D View:  

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